Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 26th , Snowing in Hatteras

Hope everyone had a great Christmas day with their family and friends. I know I sure did, I love this time of year except for when the weather is like today. Raining, now snowing, blowing 35 knots with higher gusts and getting colder every hour. Looks like Wed. and Thursday are going to be beautiful and warm and calm. 52 degrees here on Thursday and in the 60's Friday through the weekend. Can't wait. Here's a little look at today's weather. Only thing it's fit for is duck hunting. Come see us this week and lets go chase a tuna.

Christmas Morning

Merry Christmas everyone. What a beautiful morning it is here in Hatteras. If Santa had known the ocean was going to be this calm he would have parked his sled and gone tuna fishing today. Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Here's to all of you having a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy 2011. Hope to see you next year. A few of you I'll see this coming week for some tuna fishing.  God Bless.
Capt. D.M.

Friday, December 17, 2010

YellowFin Bite was on

Choppy Day off Hatteras but the fish were biting.
It was a choppy day yesterday but the Yellowfin bite was happening. Most everyone was Bluefin tuna fishing with the bigger tackle and heavier leaders out but the Yellowfin didn't seem to mind at all. Looks like a little weather until around Christmas then maybe we'll get a few nice days. I have a couple days booked after Christmas and hopefully we will make them. Going to give my arm a break for a few days and try to get healed up a little bit. It looks like a great tuna bite is going to stay with us for the winter so gather up some friends and come on down.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First Blue Fin Tuna of the winter season video

This is the first one we caught on Saturday. We caught another fish as well that was to short to keep and may have another video of that up soon. It's a little chilly outside but the fishing is HOT right now. Remember we have a heated cabin as well. Give us a call and lets go.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

BLUEFINS ARE HERE as well as Blackfins and Yellowfins.

Chris with his Bluefin Tuna from today


Rest of the catch for today

My daughter with the Bluefin
Fishing is happening right now folks. The Bluefins have shown up and we are still catching some blackfins and yellowfins as well.  We spent a little more time looking for the bluefins today plus it takes awhile longer to land one of those. I feel that if we had more time trolling our smaller baits that we would have wound up with a real nice catch of Bigger class blackfins and maybe a yellowfin or two. We decided to go for the gusto and caught two nice Bluefins for our effort. One was an inch short and we had to turn him lose. There are very strict size limits on these tunas and we have to follow them to a tee. I know it's the holiday season but you need to come and get in on some of this fishing. Looks like we'll be off the next few days because of weather but hopefully the coming weekend will be nice.   

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tunas, Tunas, Tunas

50 Pounder

Nicer yellowfin


One on the way to the box another one on

Nice Blackfin
Fishing is Good folks. Better get here while they're still here. Hopefully that will be all winter.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Another good day of TUNA FISHING and snow to end it

We had another good day of tuna fishing today with Roger and Cheryl Flury and some of the family.Roger and I first fished together back in 1989, believe it or not, and still does every now and then. It's always a fun time with them. The weather was actually much nicer than I expected it to be this morning when I got up and looked at the buoy report. We started out the day catching a few smaller blackfin and pulling off three nice fish which I would say were yellowfins. Fishing up the beach we had a few more blackfin bites then got hit by the yellowfins but only caught two out of 5 or 6 and that is kind of how the rest of the day went. two or three bites and one fish four bites and one or two fish, it's just that way somedays.We did also have a couple shots at a white marlin today but he won,can't catch them all no matter how bad we want to. At the end of it all we ended up with a nice catch of yellowfin a few larger blackfin and a few small ones as well. We probably caught 10 throw back bluefin tuna this afternoon late. Maybe that will be a good omen for the bigger ones to be on the way. When I slowed down to come through the breakwater this evening it was snowing believe it or not. It only lasted a few minutes which is enough for me. Thanks guys for such a great day.