Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dare County Re-entry Bulletin

The Dare County Control Group has announced the beginning of a limited re-entry procedure to portions of Dare County, to be done in priority phases, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, August 28 for Residents and Property Owners. However, The 2:00 p.m. limited re-entry procedure will not include access to Hatteras Island or the Town of Duck.

Hatteras Island is not accessible due to multiple areas of overwash on Hwy 12 north of Rodanthe.

The Town of Duck is not accessible, at this time, because of impassable roads.

Other than Hatteras Island & the Town of Duck, the 2:00 p.m. limited re-entry applies to –

(Yellow Card)
Utilities, Government, Damage Assessment Teams, Medical/Health care, Hotel Employees

Light Blue Card)
Non-Resident Essential Personnel - Food Service/Supply, Drug Stores, Banks, Gas Stations, Property Management, Insurance, Building Supply, Local Contractors, Tree Removal.

Re-entry Sticker from 2008/2009 or drivers license with Dare County address or tax bill)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Further assessments are needed before re-entry will be permitted to Priority 4 for Visitors and the General Public. At this time, there is no re-entry for Visitors and the General Public. Look for further bulletins from Dare County Emergency Management for this information.

On Hatteras Island electric and phone service crews are on site and working to restore service as quickly as possible. NCDOT is making arrangements to deliver emergency supplies to Hatteras Island, but there will be no transport of people at this time.

People who have been displaced by the storm should call 252-475-5655. Although non-evacuees needed to be able to sustain themselves for at least 72 hours, food and shelter will be made available to those in need as quickly as possible.

Additional information -

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Whole Island is flooded

Hey guys just an update if any of you check this thing. Breaches in the dune line all up and down the island. Not sure about the road in some places due to the amount of sand and water on it. This evening the water that flooded the other side of the sound this morning has come back. 3 to 4 feet middle of the highway in Tri-villages and Avon before dark. Buxton, Frisco and Hatteras flooded now but not to deep for us so far. Rodanthe north has gotten hammered. 5 feet of water on causeway going into Manteo with tide all up through Nags Head and Kitty Hawk. Depths have been reported as deep as 4 feet up there. Good amount of flooding in Currituck as well along the sound. Trees and power lines down in places and propane tanks broke loose everywhere. Highway 64 is closed at Columbia due to flooding. If you are planning on coming this way this week call dare county emergency Management first. They will have the info on wether you will be able to get here or not. Dare county and Currituck county are closed at this time and Dare will not be open to non residents for some time. Assessment will not be able to begin until tomorrow morning when the water recedes and people are able to get to places. Road below Oregon Inlet has been closed to all since early this morning so no one knows what it looks like but it is a sure bet it's a complete mess. Check back in tomorrow and see what the update is.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Steve Wilson and the kids

Marshall with his first sail

Not alot but we had fun
Steve has been fishing with us for three or four years now with the boys. They brought Elizabeth along for her first run today and she did great. The fishing was slow compared to yesterday but they were happy at the end of it. Several of us came home early because of a squall with a lot of lightning in it coming after us and we didn't want to deal with it. Thanks Steve. Hope to See you later this fall when the big winds are gone.

Tim Powers group

Tim Powers from Boston, Mass. had us booked for the day. We got a little bit of a late start but we wound up with a good catch of fish. We had three wahoo on but couldn't hang on to any of them to save our butts. Maybe tomorrow. Thanks Tim, hope to see you next year.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

8-20-11 Silvers half day charter

We had the same group that we had yesterday for a half day charter this morning. The fishing was great with lots of Spanish Mackerel and blue fish. Some of the Spanish were 2 to 3 pounds. We called it quits about 10 o'clock to get on in and get their fish cleaned so they could get on the road. They have a 9 to 10 hour trip home today. Thanks for coming with us Danny. Keep Roger straight and hopefully we will see you in December for some tuna fishing.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Danny Silvers 8-19-11

Danny and the boys

Rainbow after a morning shower
Today we had Danny Silvers and friends from Burnsville, N.C.  It's like nine hours west of here somewhere. I told them that Chapel Hill was all the riding I wanted to do. There were a few squalls and showers offshore early this morning so we were in no hurry to leave and took a nice ride out. We found a school of dolphin early and caught 25 out of it. When that died out we went on off and caught 5 nice blackfins before going back to the change and finishing up on our dolphin. We had a shot at a marlin today but he wasn't very aggressive and then we had the tunas balling bait but we only were able to get one pass on them before they went down. Danny and the crowd are fishing with us for a half day in the morning before beginning the long journey home tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for the day guys.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chip Myers Group 8-18-11

Chip and the gang

Brandon and his wahoo
It was another beautiful day on the ocean today. The fishing was good to go along with it. We found a big school of dolphin early this morning and caught 50 out of it before they left us. We went on offshore form there to look for a wahoo or sail bite and caught a few blackfin tuna and bonito. After awhile we went back in around the first change and caught a nice wahoo and a few more dolphin before calling it an early day. Thanks for fishing with us guys. Hope to see you for some Bluefins this winter.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Larry StClair and Family

Catch of Dolphins and Tunas
We had Larry StClair and family aboard for some fishing today and what a pretty day it was. We found a school  of dolphin right out of the gate this morning and caught 50 out of it. After that we went back to where we had caught the blackfin tuna at yesterday and caught a few of those. We spent the afternoon looking for a sail but they eluded us. Good to have you with us today Larry, looking forward to seeing you again next year.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Motley Crew 8-16-11

Peyton and his Motley crew
Payton hasn't fished with us in a few years. That's what happens when you get married and have kids, play time gets cut short. Not much was happening this morning so I fished up the beach to see if we could maybe pull out a blackfin or two. We found a place of them that stayed up and bit for a good while. Nice size fish as well for this time of year. We were catching them on 20's and 30's so it was a blast. We also had young Riley, who is 12,  catch his first sailfish today. The dolphin fishing was pretty good down the beach but we were to far away from them to  get close today. It was a pretty day and good fishing with some old customers.

August 6th Larry and crew

40 pound citation dolphin
Good crowd today with some pretty weather. We found some bailers along a color change this morning and stayed there until we caught 55 or so. They were not the classiest things around but they were biting and nothing else was any where else at the time. We trolled on offshore after that and caught a nice wahoo and lost another. I found a place of bait with the birds on it and we caught the two big gaffers around it, one which was big enough for a citation weighing in at 40 lb.s . We also saw a couple of sails catching one of them and jumping the other off. It was still pretty to watch. Come back and see us soon Larry.

August 5th

Not 40 below here
We had a mixed up crowd today. Two form Va. and four from Minnesota. One said that it got to -40 up there. I asked what the hell do you do in that weather. The answer was "We go ice fishing". Not this boy, 40 is to cold for me much less -40. We had a good day fishing with some nice wahoos and some nice bailers and a couple gaffers to go along with them. Thanks for the day guys.