Thursday, June 28, 2012

Marlins and Mahis

Erics white marlin
Eric with his white marlin

Will and a nice gaffer he caught

Mike and his gaffer

The boys and their catch for the day

Another pretty day on the water today. We set out to catch some dolphin this morning and see what happened after that. The dolphin were hard to find and to get going but slowly we got it done and wound up with a nice catch of bailers and gaffers. The marlin fishing was really good today and I don't think there was a boat out there that didn't at least see one. We caught a double header whites this morning then a single later in the day. After that our batting average went down the tubes. We jumped off 3 whites in a row and then pulled off a Blue Marlin. Right before we came home We missed another. I think the count was 3 for 7 on the whites and 0 for 1 on the Blues. We had another fish come in the spread when I was circling on the blue marlin bite that I couldn't identify other than it was a marlin. Great day of fishing today with a good crew. Thanks guys for the day.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Beautiful Cool June day

Beautiful start to the day

Matt with a gaffer

Dustin with one of his gaffers

Matt with another

Dave, Dustin and Matt with the days catch
We had a pretty day on the water today with a NE breeze that kept it cool for the day. We started out the morning fishing in some scattered grass with a few patches here and there and picked a few dolphin along. We found three or four places of dolphin that we caught a handful out of each time. Finally we found a place of dolphin in the middle of all the grass that bit good enough and long enough for us to get what we needed. We trolled on offshore from there to look for a wahoo or a marlin. We did have a nice wahoo on but he got away from us and we caught 3 or 4 gaffers while we were in the deep looking around.  Thanks Matt, Dustin and Dave for the day. Looking forward to seeing you again.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Keith Madsen Party, Great Crew

Cindy with the first Dolphin of the day

Kim with a nice Gaffer

Pair of Gaffers almost there

The crew with their catch for the day
Today we had Keith Madsen and some family and friends for our charter. They couldn't have asked for a better day on the water weather wise if they had wanted too. It was beautiful with almost no wind til just before we came home. The fishing was scrappy today but we wound up with a decent catch of gaffers and nice bailers. It was hard work and alot of grass picking and fighting off shearwaters that carried our baits away but we got it done slowly but surely. You were a great crowd today and we certainly appreciate you fishing with us and hope to see you again soon. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A White Marlin and nice catch of Dolphin

Howie with a gaffer

Mikes nice Gaffer

Counting out the bailers and getting iced up.

The crew with their catch for the day and Bill with his flag.
We had a crowd from Pa. aboard today. We got a little bit of a late start which actually worked out to our advantage today. We were able to go where most of the boats weren't this morning. I crossed a nice color change turned down the beach on it, put one line in the water and had a fish on. We caught about 20 out of that school. The next bunch we found were hungry and lead well and most importantly, they bit good for us and we were a couple shy of our limit. We caught a couple of nice gaffers in the deep which gave us our limit. We also got lucky and Bill caught a White Marlin today. Great crew. Come back and see us again.

A family half day

Bob with one on and Kendal and Kelsey with a pair they just caught

Shawn with a nice Spanish
Bob booked us for a half-day inshore trip for Tuesday afternoon for he and his kids. Lets see if I can remember them all. There were Kate, Kelsey, Kendal, Shawn and his fiance Mandy and Bob. It was a beautiful afternoon and the Spanish Mackerel were biting good. By halfway through the trip they were wiring their own fish and setting the lines back out. No picture of the fish on the dock today. We had them all iced down in a brine and put them right in the barrels to be cleaned. They did a great job and were a pleasure to have aboard.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Half Day Spanish Fishing with the Stover Family

Makayla, Makenna and Cameron with a nice Spanish Mackerel

The Stovers with their catch of Spanish. Lots of good eating there!
It was a little to rough to go offshore with the family today so we opted for fishing inshore for Spanish Mackerel for a half day trip. The bite was on as soon as we got there and the action stayed pretty steady through the morning catching mostly Spanish with a bluefish and small albacore mixed in here and there. We finished up with our limit early  and came on home. Everyone had a good time and got to reel in lots of fish. Thanks for fishing with us guys. Hope to see you next year.

6-12 fishing report

We went offshore this morning and had a pretty ride out. Not long after we got there the wind went to blowing and we had a rain squall come over us. We all got wet. The fishing over all was very slow today with the way the wind was blowing it had grass scattered all over the place and it was terrible to fish. We managed to catch four dolphin and ran in to the beach to do some Spanish Mackerel fishing. It was pretty good and we caught 25 or so in an hours time. Sorry Ben that's just the way it goes sometimes. It was better than catching nothing. Thanks for the day and I hope to see you this fall or next spring for some tuna's.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A few Dolphins for the day

Dita getting ready to Stick Him

Nice Dolphin

Ryan's big Dolphin for today
We had two of the crew from yesterday along with one of their brothers who didn't get to go yesterday. We had a nice day on the Dolphin yesterday and they wanted to look for a big bite today after we caught a few Dolphin. I fished an edge for awhile and pocked up and ran a few miles to what sounded like where I needed to be. When I got there I should have stayed where I was at. We caught a few fish and then went on offshore to look for a marlin. We did have one bite out of a marlin this afternoon but didn't get him hooked. Other than that we caught 3 Dolphin around a patch to add to what we had already caught of grass and that was the extent of our day. Thanks guys and maybe I'll see you in the fall for some tunas.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dolphins and White Marlins

Chad with his White Marlin

Logan with a nicer Dolphin

The Birthday boy with his White Marlin while dad holds him

The product of todays efforts

Coming into the harbor this afternoon with flags flying.
We had a first time crowd on board from Ohio today. They had been wanting to come fishing so Chad got a trip together with us and here they are. We fished a grass edge for a long ways this morning just picking a dolphin or two here and there. We finally found a nice school of Dolphin that bit for us and caught 40 out of it. That put us just shy of our limit so we went looking for something else. We trolled offshore and hooked a double Header White Marlin and I'm pretty sure there was another there we didn't get hooked. Chad and Logan caught the fish. Chad put the trip together with his friends and Logan was along with his dad. This trip was his 18th birthday present. What a great gift to get for your birthday. After we caught the two we trolled on down the beach and had at least two more marlin encounters for sure and maybe a third. We didn't get e hook in any of them. It was a beautiful day with some good fishing and a good group of guys. Thanks for coming such a long way to fish with us. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A White Marlin and Dolphins today

Dan and Dita with Dan's White Marlin

Janene with her first Dolphin

Dan, Janene and Christine with their catch for the day
Christine from Montana but now living in Nebraska had us booked today and bought along her daughter Janene and son in law Dan who live in the Hampton roads area. I asked this morning on our talk what they would like to do today and she said she would like to see a Sailfish or a Marlin and catch a few dolphin for eating. Cool with me.I also asked her how cold it got there in the wintertime and she said not to bad this year maybe 36 degrees below. I now have no plans on going to Nebraska. We stopped on a change with some grass and found a couple schools of dolphin almost right away. Between the two we managed to catch 24 and that was enough for them. We headed out to the 100 to look for a marlin. There was a good bite about 30 miles below us today but we couldn't get there. We fished some spots and finally saw a white marlin this afternoon and got lucky and caught him. He put on a good show with a lot of jumping. Mission was accomplished. I trolled around out there for another hour or so but never saw any thing else. it was time to call it quits then and we headed for home. Thanks for the day guys it was nice to meet you all. Come and see us anytime.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Eric Rhoades and family

Eric Sr., Eric Jr., Kayla and Eric the son in law with their catch

Eric with his wahoo

Eric and Dita with a nice Gaffer

Eric Jr. catching a nice gaffer
Well it was an easy day for remembering names of people on the boat today. All three guys were named Eric and Kayla was the fourth. Some days I can't keep them straight. We had a good day of fishing today after getting off to a little bit of a late start. We set out and hooked a gaffer on the first line in the water and managed to catch 4 or 5 more on pitch baits right then. The morning had quite a bit of action and then the wind came around and scattered the grass and they quit biting. We wound up with 25 Dolphin and a Wahoo for the day. Not to shabby in my book. I enjoyed the day maybe it won't be quite so choppy next time. Thanks for fishing with us.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Lewis Mitchell Party

Don with a nice gaffer
Lewis with a pretty gaffer
Linwood with the gaffer that kicked his butt
This crowd has been fishing with us for a long time. They were supposed to come three weeks ago but Alberto put a stop to those plans. The fishing was scrappy and the weather was less than idea yesterday but we caught a few nice dolphin for the day. The first bite of the day was a Blue Marlin but we didn't manage to get him hooked. There will be another time. Thanks for coming guys hope to see you again.

Chesterfield, Va. group today

The guys plus Dita

Trey with a gaffer
We had a new crowd today and hopefully they'll be back to see us. The fishing was on the scrappy side and it was rather choppy in the morning. We did manage to catch a few dolphin for the day and we lost a few as well. You can't catch them all. We spent a little time in the deep and hooked a nice Blue Marlin but pulled the hook on him. A couple of the guys saw the bite so that was good. Thanks for the day Brian. I hope you and the guys come and see us again soon.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1st Dean Gray party

Eddie with nice Gaffer

Dean and the Boys
This is one of our yearly crowds who I look forward to because there is always something going on. We have fun if we're catching anything or not. That's what fishing is all about anyway. Get on the water and relax and enjoy being away from the real world for the day and if you catch some fish it's a bonus. The fishing over all was slow every where today. We scrapped out a few dolphin and lost a few more nice ones. It seemed that they were just not feeding well today and were not getting hooked as well. We also had a big squall that we had to get away from this afternoon and that put us out of position after it had gone by. It was better than getting struck by lightning though. Look forward to seeing you guys again soon. Thanks and I enjoyed it as always.

May 29 fishing

Nice Gaffer

A few for the grill and freezer
We had a crew today from Illinois and Minnesota. They do a lot of freshwater fishing in those parts but did a pretty good job with the saltwater aspect of it as well. The fishing wasn't all that great for us unfortunately. It was just one of those days where I could never be in the right place at the right time. We still wound up with a little catch of gaffers for the day so it was all good in the end. Thanks for coming to see us. Hopefully we'll see you next year.