Thursday, July 19, 2012

Matt and Carl Spruill the Fish Slayers

Matt Spruill and his brother Carl had the boat today. The fishing was good for them catching a limit of dolphin a Wahoo as well as a double header Sailfish out of three or four. I have not been running the boat the last 10 days or so due to a knee injury I got while working on the boat so Barry Jr. is running her and Tommy another of my old mates is filling in. They're doing a great job. I Hope to be back at it soon.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Andy Terry day 3

One of Andy's gaffers

The fish she wasn't going to catch

Gaffer getting ready to be stuck

The cute couple with their catch
Today was Andy's last day with us. It has been a choppy three days but they hung tough. The fishing was a little scrappy again today but once again we managed to catch a few. He had his girlfriend Joy along  with us today. She drove through the night to get here and arrived at 5:30 this morning just in time to go fishing. She didn't want to catch any fish but we made her catch a couple anyway. She had a bailer on that a Blue Marlin came in there and ate right at the boat and took off with him. We ended up breaking the light leader on the fish. We had a couple of shots at a sailfish this afternoon but didn't get lucky enough to get him hooked in the rough conditions. We also had a Blackfin tuna as well. Thanks for the week Andy it's been great. Maybe we'll see you this winter for some tuna fishing.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Andy Terry day 2

Brian and Andy with a nice gaffer

Andy with another gaffer

The Masked Booby we saw today

The catch for day 2
Today Andy Brought his niece Brooke and her boyfriend Brian along for the day. It was a choppy ride out and stayed choppy all day long. The fishing over all was a little on the scrappy side but we wound up with a nice catch of gaffers and bailers at the end. The treat for the day was getting to see a Masked Booby. They are rare around here and it was pretty cool to see it. After doing some research it appears that this was a female. They are from the Caribbean and rarely come this far north. We'll head out again in the morning so check back in tomorrow.

Seago Family half day charter

The Seago family from Illinois had us chartered for a half day this morning. The ocean was a little choppy but everyone fared fine. We caught a few Spanish Mackerel and Bluefish for the morning.  Thanks for the trip guys. enjoy the rest of your week.
The Seago family

Andy Terry day one

Dave,Jordan, Savannah, Lorie, Tanner and Andy with the days catch.
Andy Terry had us chartered today and does for Friday and Saturday as well. It was a choppy , snatchy day in the ocean today but they wanted to go so off we went. I set out on a color change with some grass in it and found a school of dolphin right away. We bailed about 30 out of it before they left us. We only had two people fishing full time and a third part of the time so it made it hard to do. We trolled along after that catching one or two at a time until we had our limit. We cut the day short because none of the kids were feeling well so we brought them on home. See you on Friday Andy and we'll go from there.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sailfish and a few dolphin

Morning Sunrise

Lit up sail

Letting him go

Michael with his flag

Cheyenne and Raleigh with her first dolphin
Today we had Stoney with his son Michael and Raleigh with his two kids Cheyenne and Sage along with us. The goal for today was to catch a billfish for his son and maybe another or two. We got lucky and Michael caught his first Sail today. It was a pretty flatline bite so they got to see him eat the bait. We caught a few dolphin during the day and wound up with a dozen or so which was good enough for them. It was a nice calm day but I was glad to get home in the AC this afternoon. Check out the video of the sail above and if you want a bigger and clearer  one check this link to youtube where it's posted.'ll be out chasing them again tomorrow so check in.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

More dolphin and a white marlin

Daves gaffer

Scott, Joan and Dave with their catch for the day
Today the weather was much prettier than we all expected. There was a little leftover swell from the day before but very little wind. We even had a wind shift in  the morning to light NE and it was actually comfortable for most of the day. We started out dolphin fishing and picked a few a first. I got tired of being there so we went searching and found another place of grass that was holding some dolphin. Luckily we found a school of nice bailers right away and caught our limit then went marlin fishing. We saw 6 fish today. 4 whites and 2 blues. One of the blues and one of the whites wouldn't eat. We caught a white out of a double, missed another and jumped off a 450 pound blue marlin right at the end of the day. he put on a good show and everyone got to see him before he threw the hook. Thanks Dave and Joan for coming back with us. Hope to see you again soon.