Monday, August 27, 2012

Ms. Polly and crew 8-26-2012

Ms. Polly and the crew
Ms. Polly and Steve and the crew came to see us for the first time this year. They've been in hiding somewhere. They had a great day of fishing catching 4 nice wahoo and 40 dolphin. That all makes for some good eating. We had another citation wahoo today coming in at 46 lb.s. First time fisherman with us caught that one. They'll be back in a few weeks and hopefully the wahoo fishing will be even better. Good to see you guys.


Wahoos with a 51 pounder leading the way
This crowd showed up at the marina at 5:45 this morning and wanted to go fishing. Luckily we were there and open so we took them. A little bit late and unplanned but we went fishing anyway. It turned out to be a great day of fishing having twelve wahoo bites and catching seven of them. The biggest coming in at 51 pounds for the youngest of the group. Not to shabby. Thanks for fishing with us guys and hope to see you next year. Plan ahead a little.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Deasey Crew 8-17-12

Frank, Anita and crew with a dockfull
Today we had Frank, his sister Anita and some other family and friends along. What a great day they had today with lots of Black Fin Tunas and big Spanish Mackerel to top the day off.  They had to run back inshore in the middle of the day because one of the crowd had an important call to make. They were so close by the time they got service they decided to go on into the hook and try for some Spanish Mackerel. That was a good move because they were biting good and were very nice in size. They are fishing with us again on Sunday and want to spend the day looking for a bill fish so we'll see what happens cause you never know around here. Hopefully it will be a banner day. Thanks guys.

Xavier Kunukkasseril Half Day charter

Jack with his catch of Spanish Mackerel and Bluefish
Xavier was down from New Jersey for the week and wanted to take his son Jack fishing for a half day. The fishing was scrappy for this half day but the still was enough to keep Jack busy and happy. Next time maybe he'll be ready for a day in the Blue Water catching some dolphins. Thanks for fishing with us guys and hope to see you on one of your other journeys to Avon.

Brian Vavarni and crew 8-14-12

Brian, Tom, Dave and Brian with the cacth for the day.
Today Brian and his friends fished with us as first time customers on the Native Son. Brian came over from Ocracoke on the ferry this morning and got to go for three boat rides today. The fishing was scrappy today with a few wahoo bites and a few dolphin around. What a difference a day makes. Glad to have you guys with us and hope to see you again next year.

Larry StClair 8-13-12

Larry and Family
We had Larry and his kids aboard today. Larry has fished with us a few times and we were glad to have him and family back aboard today. As you can see the fishing was great today with a good catch of Dolphin and Wahoo. Hope you enjoyed the rest of your week and all of your fish. Look forward to seeing you next year.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Doug Brooks and Family

Doug and his Clan
We had Doug brooks and his children along today. They have been fishing with us for a few years now and generally always have good luck. The dolphin were a long way out today and it took awhile to get there but once they did it was happening. They caught all the dolphin they wanted in pretty short order plus three wahoo and jumped off a Blue Marlin. All in all an action filled day on the Native Son. Good to have you guys back. See you next year.

Old Friend

Matthew and crowd
Today we had a fellow that I grew up with and some of his friends. One of the other guys Jack booked the charter but said that Matthew was coming along. Our fathers worked together at the weather station in Buxton for many years and we grew up on the beach. I don't see him very often now as he lives out around the Raleigh area. They caught a few fish for supper and had a nice day after a little rain this morning. Thanks for the day guys. Hope to see you back next year.

Matt Price and Crew

Matt and Crew
We had Matt Price and some of his buddies from Va. Beach along today. This was the first time he has been down in a few years to fish with us. He said life caught up with him with having a kid and everything. I told him don't I know it. The guys had a beautiful day on the water after having to postpone the trip once earlier due to the weather. Great catch of dolphins fellows. Hurry back to see us.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Successful Make Up Party

A Nice catch for this Make Up party. First make up of the year.
We had our first make up party of the year today. Luckily there were some floats around today with some nice schools of dolphin around them and they found a good one with a lot of hungry fish. They had a little bit of rain to deal with in the morning but it cleared up and got pretty as the day went on. Thanks for going today guys. I'll get the picture up in the morning.