Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sail and Blue Marlin pictures

A few pictures from the last couple of days fishing. Its been fun.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sept Sails

Still a little lit up

A little frisky on the leader

Tom with his Sail

Today was yet another nice day until the end when the line of squalls came through. Todd Kief and some of his buddies were along today for the ride. We started out the day by catching a Sail on the first bite while we were looking for a wahoo. We trolled around looking for a wahoo for a while longer with no luck so we went looking out deeper. There was a little rip in 100 fathoms and we hooked and caught a double header Sails just before crossing it. We spent the rest of the morning out there with no bites and came back inshore during the afternoon to try and catch a wahoo again with no luck. That's the way it goes some days. Next time it will be different as it always is. Thanks for the day guys and we'll see you this winter maybe. I got some good video today and will get it edited and put up on here later.

Friday, September 28, 2012

September Bills

Dida's smiling!

Davids first Blue Marlin

Around 275 pounds or so

Turning him loose!

Steve, Mona, Charlie and David with their flags!
We started the day out in the deep looking for some grass or a condition that would hold some dolphin but were not very successful. We did catch a dolphin right after setting out but that was the only one of the day. After that it was pretty much all bill fish, mostly Sails with a couple of Blue Marlin in there. I guess we may have had 15 bites or so and may have seen 4 or 5 more that didn't want to eat and would just follow us. We caught a Blue Marlin that put on one hell of a show plus three Sailfish and had 3 or 4 more hooked and almost caught before coming off. This crowd has been fishing with me a long time and these are the first bills we have caught with them. We've had them on but never caught one. It was a beautiful calm cool day and looks the same for tomorrow. I hope they bite.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Smyth Party


Outside the Inlet

Ms. Maureen with her Wahoo
Last weekend John Smyth his mother and two brothers were aboard for the day. The day was beautiful calm and cool. The morning started out with a triple header White Marlin of which we hooked two. We ended up jumping them both off at the time put they put on a good show for a bit. We were Wahoo fishing so they were a bit unexpected. We had a few Wahoo bites during the morning catching two and missing three or four more. The fishing tapered off up and down the line by late morning and it was rather slow during the afternoon. Everyone had a good time and enjoyed the great weather we had.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Been to the Boatyard

Getting ready to haul her
Growth on running gear and bottom

On the way for a bath

Taped Off and Ready for Bottom Paint
Ahh, Clean Bottom and Fresh Paint
On the way back to the water

The Haul Out Slip

Much Better

For everyone that thinks this is all fun and games here you go. We went to the Boatyard the end of last week to do some yearly maintenance which is always fun, NOT.  It involves running the boat to the yard, hauling the boat, washing and scraping the bottom then getting blocked up. Step 2 is cleaning all the running gear and getting all of the zincs off, popping the wheel off to make sure the shaft isn't cracked then cleaning the entire hull. Step 3 is doing all of the taping along the water line and getting the bottom painted,2 1/2 Gallons at $300.00 a gallon. Yep, you read it right. Then if everything else checks out O.K. we can get the wheel back on, zincs on, coat the shaft, struts and rudder with the zinc coating and let it all dry for a day. Then we pick her up the next day(on a quick haul usually 3 days after we got there) paint the bottom where the blocks were, let her dry for a bit then put her in the water to come home. These things are alot of work.and this is just what goes on under the water line. Topside work is next which is even more time consuming but not as dirty.  We're all ready to go and shes running good so come on down and see us. The wahoo fishing is off the hook this fall and the big blackfin tunas are starting to show already. There are still some Dolphin here as well.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Dolphins and a Wahoo today

Mark and John with the days catch
This morning I ran back to where I left from yesterday in search of some more Wahoos but everything had changed around. There were birds everywhere with bonitos jumping and busting the water but no Wahoos. The current had picked up as well which has some effect on them at times. We missed a sail on our first bite of the day then pulled off a Wahoo and missed a couple more bites. Then we found a school of dolphin and caught a dozen. I was happy then at least we had dinner. We worked a little farther offshore and found a place of grass that was holding the dolphin pretty well and we found a school that bit good enough to finish up our limit. We went back to Wahoo fishing and missed two or three before finally catching one. We only had two anglers on board today,  John and Mark. They were layed back and enjoyed the beautiful but hot day that we had. Thanks guys and we hope to see you again.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wahoo Wahoos

Carlos, Steve and Filippo with their catch

Steve with a nice Wahoo

Carlos with his first Wahoo

Filippo with his first Wahoo
Steve Wilson who is a very good customer had us booked today. He brought along two of his colleagues Carlos and Filippo. He had been asking questions about the fishing on the full moon and I told him they bite when they bite. More times than not the fishing is good on the moon especially in the summer when the marlins are around. The day started out slow for us catching a gaffer first thing them three bailers a couple hours later. We had three or four wahoo bites but couldn't snag one. I fished on down the beach and finally caught one around noon after a couple more failed attempts. We got a good circle going and the fish started biting. we caught 5 in about 30 minutes then caught the rest through out the rest of the day. We wound up with ten out of probably 20 bites or so. It was a fun day and a first for Carlos and Filippo. Thanks for coming again Steve and bringing some new friends. As always it was a pleasure.