Sunday, June 9, 2013

Matt Price and the boys

Matt and the boys
Matt and his cohorts joined us for another day on the water this year. I don't know how many years he has been going with me now but quite a few. The weather got rather choppy after the first hour or so which made it a little more difficult to fish but we scrapped out a nice day. We'll see you guys next year.

Andy Terry

Day One

Day Two
Andy, Joy David and a couple of newlyweds came to join us for a couple of days fishing. We caught some Dolphin and Black fin tunas both days and also spent some time looking for a marlin bite but were unsuccessful in the effort. The whole gang made it the first day but the girls slept in on the second morning which was a beautiful day. Not because they weren't there just because the weather was great. Thanks for the days folks and we are looking forward to next time.

Still a couple of tunas around

Jr with a nice yellowfin

The gang with the days catch

Dave's Tuna
Today we Had Ricky Harrington along with his so and some friends of theirs. We started out where we left off yesterday and luckily the water had not changed much and there was still a couple tunas hanging around. We watched one jump here and another over there on and off the first part of the morning. We finally did get a few bites and caught three but hey thats better than none. As the morning went on the water changed all around and the fish quit showing and biting. We managed to catch a few nice dolphin for the rest of the day so all in all it was a successful trip. Good to see you guys again and hope to see you next year.