Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saturday March 26th Fishing

The Cable Guys

Looks like tuna is on the menu for tonight

Today we had the other half of the crew that we had yesterday. We stuck with trying to catch a yellowfin or blackfin today and it all panned out fairy well for us. We crossed the change and started fishing out towards the rocks in the morning and caught a nice blackfin. I made a circle and we had another bite which was another blackfin. Halfway through the next circle while we were setting back out we hooked three fish and caught two blackfin and a yellowfin. Needless to say this is where I fished for the rest of the day. The water did change around a little as the day went on and the fish moved with it. All in all we wound up with 4 keeper yellowfin and I think 15 or 16 blackfin's as well. It was a fun day of fishing. The party shared some tuna with us which excited my kids to no end about getting to eat some sashimi that night. We polished off a whole loin. Never thought I would see my kids eating raw tuna but they absolutely love it. Hey it's good for you too. Hope to see some of you soon. Looks like the fishing is shaping up to be good this spring, now if we can just get the weather to cooperate a little more we'll be alright. Have a great day. 

March 25th fishing

Well We ended up chasing Bluefins today and had some success at it thankfully. Fortunately we caught some fish , on the unfortunate side we didn't catch one small enough to keep. Most of the time you worry about catching fish big enough but with these things lately you have to worry about catching one small enough. Under 73 inches is what we can keep. Oh well that's the way it goes. We'll get up in the morning and see what tomorrow brings. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Windy day today

Man we have had some windy days lately and then it's beautiful the next. This is what the ocean looks like here today. It's blowing around 30 with higher gust and some rain but it's warm. We've got plenty of open days so come on down and lets do some fishing. The bluefin are still around and a few yellowfin were caught day before yesterday as well.