Friday, May 27, 2011

Danny Lilly and firends

Today we had Danny, David, Jimmy and another buddy of theirs whose name I just can't remember. It was a slick calm beautiful day and we had some decent gaffer dolphin fishing. We started out way in the deep on an edge and fished it most of the morning, it fell apart as the day went along and as the water shoved in and up the beach. All in all we had a good day and caught some nice fish. Thanks guys for the day. Hope to see you again some day.

Kenny Lewis Trip

We had Kenny Lewis and some friends from the Raleigh area on board today. Kenny grew up here on Hatteras in Frisco. His family owns the Frisco Woods campground.  It was a pretty day but the fishing left a little bit to be desired. We scrapped out a few nice dolphin but once again when I plugged my card in the pics disappeared. Maybe it will work tomorrow. Thanks for the day Kenny, it was good to see you.

Mark Tressler trip

We had four mark's aboard today so I only had to remember three names. That's good for me. We caught some nice gaffers today but do to some problems with my camera card reader the pictures are gone. Where they went I don't know. Thanks Mark for a great day. Come back and see us soon.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Monday May 9th fishing

Monique with some tunas and gaffers

Pair of nice gaffers
We had a beautiful day on the water today with some great fishing to go along with it. We only had two anglers today and we kept them busy for most of the day. The Blackfin tuna bite was really good throughout the day. We took a break from the trolling about noon and put up the kite for an hour or so to get some experience with it. I've had a kite and kite rod on the boat for years and have never flown it til today. We did have a couple of bites on it but no contact. It was fun watching the tunas go after it. We went back to trolling at the end of the day and caught 4 gaffers a couple more tunas and had a big fish on for 20 minutes until he chaffed through the leader. I'm not quite sure what it was but it left a hell of a hole in the water when it ate the bait. Not many trips this week and the weather looks good. Give us a call and lets go fishing!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday May 7th

One of our gaffers

Another Gaffer
Today we had some guys from Harris Mechanical Services inc. in Richmond Va. It was a little bit choppy this morning with pretty stiff breeze blowing after we got fishing this morning. We wound up with a few Gaffers and a blackfin tuna. We had probably 10 tuna bites this afternoon but couldn't hang onto them. It was just one of those days. It got pretty this afternoon and made for a nice ride home. Thanks guys for the day,

Friday May 6th

Well today was the last day for Bob, Dave, Skip and Jerry. We actually got to fish 5 days this year. First time that has happened in a long time. Fishing was slow for us today but we had a great week already. Enjoyed it guys and we'll see you all next year.

Thursday May the 5th fishing

Bob and the boys once again today. Everything had changed around over night so we just had to go looking  for anything today. We caught a scattered Dolphin through out the day and a wahoo. One more day for the guys.  Lets see what tomorrow brings.

Tuesday May 3rd

Grass edge where we were catching our Dolphin

The Days Catch
We went in search of Dolphin today because the cold water had shoved out over the rocks. We caught a couple right away and then went awhile with no bite. After some time an edge that had been making up came together and it was holding some dolphins. We managed to catch 35 or so for the day. Another good day. We are taking a weather day tomorrow so check back in on Thursday.

Monday May 2nd

We struck out up to the east this morning in search of some tunas. It was a beautiful day. We started out our day with a couple of albacores and then a Mako that was to short to keep. We got a little further up the line and found a mark of bait and got some bites. We ended the day with 6 yellowfin and a dozen what we call Bonito Mackerel .They look like and albacore but longer and have a good set of teeth on them. They are also delicious to eat with beautiful meat on them. I had some for Sashimi that night and on the grill. Fishing is good guys some come on down. All in all a good day.

Sunday May 1st

Today was the first day of a week long crowd. Bob,Skip, Dave and Jerry have been fishing this week with me for 15 years now. Always the week before Mothers Day. They are from Massachusetts so it's a long ride. We try to fish 5 out of 6 days if the weather will let us. Today we caught a few dolphin and went vetical jigging for some jacks, which was very successful.. I got to far away from the tuna fleet today and they caught a few in the afternoon. No picture today because for some reason I didn't take one. I'll have one tomorrow. We are going to try our hand at tunas tomorrow.

Saturday April 30th. Winford Hill Group

Mr. Winford Hill and some of his buddies fished with us today. They were from Richmond and Greensboro. The fishing was a little scrappy but we managed to get a catch and have a good time which is the most important thing. We caught a few dolphin and did some jigging for some jacks. We caught some nice Almaco jacks that afternoon. Thanks for coming and fishing with us guys. Hope to see you again.