Monday, April 30, 2012

Another good day

Monday Sunrise over the village
Today's catch
Jerry just wanted to hug her not get his picture taken
Skip and a nicer Black fin tuna
We had another nice fun day on the water. We headed back up to where we had fished yesterday just because. We had no game plan in mind. The morning started off a little slow and the fish bit better later in the morning after a change crossed over where we were fishing at. We wound up with a dozen tunas and 5 gaffers for the day. We pulled a lot of fish off today and got bit of by a wahoo as well. We're fishing again tomorrow so check back in.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tunas, Dolphin and a nice Blue Marlin

Jerry, Skip, Dave and Bob

One of Bobs Blackfins
A nice Dolphin for Skip
A Blackfin for Jerry

Bob, Dave, Skip and Jerry from Mass fished the first day of their 5 this week today. I believe this is the 12th year they have booked me for this week. They are a good bunch of guys and we do a variety of fishing. Today we tried for some Blackfin tunas and Dolphins. We managed to catch 10 or 12 tunas and 7 or 8 dolphin and a 500 lb Blue Marlin. We had hooked a Blackfin and had him coming in when all of a sudden the line started peeling at a fast pace and started to surface. The Blue Marlin had eaten the tuna and we now had him on.  The fish was a solid 500 lb. and put on a great show for us. I wish I could have gotten some video of the fish but it;s hard to drive that boat and take video at the same time. Several other Blue Marlin were seen today and two more caught. Tuna and dolphin fishing was good. Check back tomorrow and see what happens then.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 21st Dolphin and wahoo

The Boys and their catch

Nice Wahoo

Beautiful Sunrise and ocean

John and his Dolphin
We had a beautiful start to our day with not only the weather but the fishing as well. We started out on a change and caught a nice dolphin immediately after getting set out. We fished around that change most of the morning catching a fish or two along pretty steadily until a squall came through and blew all the grass up into the cold water. It did get a little better towards the end of the day and we caught a handful more dolphin along it and a nice wahoo. Thanks John and crowd for a great day of fishing and alot of fun. It's good to see people enjoy the day just because they were fishing and away for the day. Hope to see you again soon.

April 20th

We had a calm day of fishing today even though it was a wet chilly one. It was overcast most all day until right before we left to come home. It rained on us for about three hours in the middle of the day. We had an OK day of fishing with a few dolphin and a wahoo for our efforts. We had several wahoo bites during the afternoon that we could just not hang onto. It goes that way sometime. My camera screwed up on me today so none of my pictures came out as they should. My big fingers hit a wrong button somewhere along the way. Check back in tomorrow for a report and hopefully some pictures.