Monday, February 14, 2011

2-13-11 Bluefin Tuna Fishing was off the hook today

Richards Bluefin

Mikey and Jake with his 1st Bluefin

Richards Bluefin

Hooked Up
We got lucky and set right out on the Tunas this morning. We never went more than maybe 10 minutes with out a fish on and there were some spectacular bites to go along with it. We saw the fish several times on top rolling and shoving water and had a continuous mark for a lot of the day. My buddy Michael and some of his friends had the boat chartered for the weekend. He brought his grandson along and he caught his first Bluefin that weighed in at The video clip is of his fish. He was wore out after that. We also took our trophy fish for the year as well with a 74" 210 pounder. We caught three or four more fish that size or bigger before we called it an early day around 11:30 and went home. The guys had a long drive back home and were tired from the butt whipping we took Saturday and the good fishing Sunday. We ended up catching 10 Bluefins between 100 to Probably 250 lb.s for the day. The weather was beautiful and the fish were biting, couldn't ask for much more than that. It looks like it's going to get nice for Wed. and Thursday of this week if you can get here. We have a few more trips coming up so check back in.

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