Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 11th -- The Yeager family

Look at that Sunrise and that ocean. Don't you wish you were here?

The Yeagers
Evan with his Amberjack

And with what's left of one after a Barracuda got him
Joe, Anne, Evan and Leslie Yeager fished with us today. What an absolutely gorgeous day it was. The ocean was flat and it wasn't too hot and the fishing was good. We went to look for dolphin first and found a nice school after a little bit of trudging around in the grass. They didn't want to catch a limit so we caught about 30 and quit. No need  to kill them if you aren't going to eat them. We spent the rest of the day looking for something different. We caught some Amberjacks around a wreck, a big false albacore on a light rod and had a bite out of a sailfish that we didn't get hooked. We stopped around an inshore wreck on the way home and let them see all of the barracudas swimming over top of it. I think we counted atleast 15 there. Everyone had a good time, even Leslie who was worried about being on the boat in the morning but soon got over it and enjoyed herself. Enjoyed having you along and hope to see you again.

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