Sunday, September 25, 2011

Temporary Bridge Update
Click on this link to keep up with the bridge and road updates. We are getting along over here and there is a little offshore fishing going on. It has been really good for the few who have been fortunate enough to have a charter here. The wahoo and dolphin have been good along with some nice Blackfin tuna and a few Yellowfin tuna mixed in. There have been some sails around as well. Looks like it will be some great fishing when you can get here. One group that traveled here to fish a couple days ago took 14 hours to get here instead of 3 that it usually takes. The only way on is by ferry from Swan Quarter or Cedar Island then through Ocracoke. In some cases these are booked for weeks.
    I have been wanting to update my blog some but I have been putting in 12 to 14 hour days the last couple weeks and I'm whipped when I get home. I will try to do better.
    Give me a call and lets do some fishing this fall when the road gets open. I'm thinking by the 3rd week of October we should be good to go. Call me up 252-216-5565 would love to hear from some of you. I think I'm going to go to my couch for the rest of this rainy day and catch up on some rest. We had to shut down today with the weather like it is. You guys have a great day.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Check out the Swell from Katia

Set rolling in under the Frisco Pier

Big Set on the third bar

Look at that set off in the distance

The Frisco pier and an angry ocean

Shoving the dunes back up on the Hatteras Beach Stretch
These are some pictures and a video that I took when Hurricane Katia was about 300 miles of our coast. It was breaking in about 40 feet of water. If you look in the distance you can see some of the big sets rolling in and breaking. It's a good thing we didn't have 80 knots of wind on this swell cause it would have been ugly. It was washing over on the Hatteras beach stretch in three places as well as washing over in Rodanthe where they were trying to fill the small breach as they call it. Keep checking in. We hope to be up and running charters by the second week in October when we hopefully have a road to get here. I will be working for Crowder Gulf  ( ) the next few weeks as a supervisor for the cleanup and Peter will be working with another crew doing the same.  These are the same that were here after Isabel in Hatteras doing the work.Fishing will come when the cleanup is done and there is alot of that to be done. Stay in touch with me and lets do some fishing this fall. Take Care.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Home At Last

     We finally got back on the Island Monday Morning  and man am I glad to be here. I still have not brought the boat home but may on Saturday depending on what newly formed Maria is doing. The darn things are popping up everywhere right now. Katia is going to pass about 250 to 300 miles offshore of us so no major wind involved in it just some huge surf. The surf will surely hamper road rebuilding efforts until the storm passes. The island can't take another punch like we just got. Some in the old village of Avon and all through the tri-villages of Salvo,Waves and Rodanthe lost everything they owned. Houses and all. Some have just left and some have just not come home. It's sad to see it again. It looks like Hatteras village after hurricane Isabel wiped us out except on a bigger scale. Keep all these people in your thoughts and Prayers. They need them and we do too. Hatteras, Frisco and Buxton fared much better with some wind damage but minimal flooding compared to the north end of the island. Don't get me wrong we still had tide but not like up above. The water was 8 feet deep in places up there.  If you would like to help there are organizations here that are helping. Supplies are needed as well as money to buy food for the kitchens that are feeding people. You can contact me and I can direct you in the right direction or get it to where it needs to be. 

    As far as fishing goes Sometime after the 17th of September we will be able to have tourist return to the island. There will not be a road until the first of October you will have to travel by ferry until then. The docks are all intact and the boats are as well. Most are still tied up where they were for the storm and probably will stay there ready for another blow until it looks like we can get you here to fish. Alot of the motels are taken up by workers but there are still rooms available at the marina and next door at Village Marina. We also have the cottage that we can work with as well. We will need your support this fall to get back on our feet so please try to reschedule your charter if you have one booked or try to get a group together and come and enjoy some of our great fall fishing. I hope to hear from many of you in the future. Hopefully the Native Son will be able to hang on and make it through this along with the other boats. This has been and will continue to be a big economic blow to our business.  I will try to post everyday or so right now I have to go and get on the chainsaw for a few hours. Take Care and be safe.