Sunday, September 25, 2011

Temporary Bridge Update
Click on this link to keep up with the bridge and road updates. We are getting along over here and there is a little offshore fishing going on. It has been really good for the few who have been fortunate enough to have a charter here. The wahoo and dolphin have been good along with some nice Blackfin tuna and a few Yellowfin tuna mixed in. There have been some sails around as well. Looks like it will be some great fishing when you can get here. One group that traveled here to fish a couple days ago took 14 hours to get here instead of 3 that it usually takes. The only way on is by ferry from Swan Quarter or Cedar Island then through Ocracoke. In some cases these are booked for weeks.
    I have been wanting to update my blog some but I have been putting in 12 to 14 hour days the last couple weeks and I'm whipped when I get home. I will try to do better.
    Give me a call and lets do some fishing this fall when the road gets open. I'm thinking by the 3rd week of October we should be good to go. Call me up 252-216-5565 would love to hear from some of you. I think I'm going to go to my couch for the rest of this rainy day and catch up on some rest. We had to shut down today with the weather like it is. You guys have a great day.

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