Monday, May 28, 2012

Three Generations of Marshalls

The results

Nice gaffer for Logan

Kenny between naps with a nice dolphin

Wayne with one of his big Gaffers. He had the touch for the big ones today.

My boy Dylan with his first gaffer of the day

The Marshall's Granddad, Grandson and Son
We had three generations of Marshall's on board today plus my son who they asked to ride along. We have all been friends for many years and I was looking forward to today. It started out a little slow this morning but we got them located later and had pretty steady action for most of the late morning and afternoon. Wayne, Logan and Dylan caught most of the fish this afternoon because Kenny was getting his beauty rest. The fish were a nice class of fish today and pretty aggressive when they were eating. we had several come jumping through the spread after the teaser this afternoon which was neat for the kids to get to see. Thanks for the day guys. I thoroughly enjoyed it and thanks for bringing Dylan along he had a blast too. Hope to do it again soon.


  1. Great day on the water with Captain DM Gray. Thanks DM for making today so great for my Dad and Son. I have proof that I wan't the ONLY one napping however. Thanks again, and we look forward to going out again soon.

  2. Love this! Thank you DM!

    With love from the female Marshalls - for bringing the boys home safe and sound!
