Friday, July 30, 2010

Wayne Whitley and crew

Wayne Whitley and some of his buddies had us booked today. The fishing was still a little slow today but we managed to scrap out a decent catch for the day. We started the day off by pulling a sailfish off not on just one bait but two after having him pulling string for quite awhile. I just can't seem to have any luck with those thing the last few days. That will change sooner or later. We caught a dolphin then had 5 or 6 swim in there with him. We caught 4 then caught the nice gaffer that we had. Later I found a large clump of grass with some trash in it that was holding some bait and a small school of dolphin. We managed to catch 14 around that. From there we caught a few Blackfin tunas around the rocks. The guys wanted something to pull on so we got out the jigging rods found the mark and went to it. We caught our limit of those and fed the sharks with a couple others. One would have gone better than 50 lbs if the toothy critter hadn't gotten hold of him. The wind went to blowing 25 shortly there after so we trolled for home hoping for some more dolphin bites but had none. All in all it was a good day. Thanks Guys.

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