Saturday, December 11, 2010

BLUEFINS ARE HERE as well as Blackfins and Yellowfins.

Chris with his Bluefin Tuna from today


Rest of the catch for today

My daughter with the Bluefin
Fishing is happening right now folks. The Bluefins have shown up and we are still catching some blackfins and yellowfins as well.  We spent a little more time looking for the bluefins today plus it takes awhile longer to land one of those. I feel that if we had more time trolling our smaller baits that we would have wound up with a real nice catch of Bigger class blackfins and maybe a yellowfin or two. We decided to go for the gusto and caught two nice Bluefins for our effort. One was an inch short and we had to turn him lose. There are very strict size limits on these tunas and we have to follow them to a tee. I know it's the holiday season but you need to come and get in on some of this fishing. Looks like we'll be off the next few days because of weather but hopefully the coming weekend will be nice.   

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