Tuesday, January 4, 2011

December 30th

We had Todd Kief , Candice and a  friend of theirs along for some fishing today. The water was not right on the rocks first thing in the morning so we ventured on offshore to look around. There were a couple of yellowfin bites here and there but nothing concentrated to one specific area so we just fished around hoping for a bite. We went by a 1/3 sheet of plywood and had a couple of bites, I figured small tunas because of the water temp but I was wrong. I went back by it and there were 20 or so dolphin swimming around it. They had their coats on in that 68 degree water. We managed to catch I believe what was 10 out of the school. Glad to have them. The water got to the rocks in the afternoon and we hooked a big bluefin tuna on our second pass and spent quite some time on him before the hook pulled. That would have made our day , he was a nice fish but that's the way it goes sometimes. See you in the spring Todd for your birthday trip. Hopefully the tunas will be biting.  Sorry No pics today.

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