Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Great day of Bluefin Tuna fishing

Coming by Diamond Shoals light on the way home . It's still standing.
Yesterday was another great day of Bluefin Tuna fishing. Lots of big fish around right now. Actually there are all kinds of sizes but the last couple of days the bigger ones have been biting. We had them rolling in the chum yesterday afternoon when we found a place of them off to ourselves. That is a pretty sight to see. The video clip is of one of the bigger sized fish we caught when we lip gaffed him to measure him. We had to turn him loose because he measured at around 78 to 80 inches. Would be nice to be able to keep one a day that size but that's the law and we don't break them. Still a great day of fishing with some spectacular trolling bites. It gets your heart pumping when you see a 300 pounder blow up on your flatline about 30 feet off your transom. There's a good showing of these fish so if you ever wanted to come and catch one take a couple of days and come on and do it now.

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