Friday, August 19, 2011

Danny Silvers 8-19-11

Danny and the boys

Rainbow after a morning shower
Today we had Danny Silvers and friends from Burnsville, N.C.  It's like nine hours west of here somewhere. I told them that Chapel Hill was all the riding I wanted to do. There were a few squalls and showers offshore early this morning so we were in no hurry to leave and took a nice ride out. We found a school of dolphin early and caught 25 out of it. When that died out we went on off and caught 5 nice blackfins before going back to the change and finishing up on our dolphin. We had a shot at a marlin today but he wasn't very aggressive and then we had the tunas balling bait but we only were able to get one pass on them before they went down. Danny and the crowd are fishing with us for a half day in the morning before beginning the long journey home tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for the day guys.

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