Saturday, September 10, 2011

Check out the Swell from Katia

Set rolling in under the Frisco Pier

Big Set on the third bar

Look at that set off in the distance

The Frisco pier and an angry ocean

Shoving the dunes back up on the Hatteras Beach Stretch
These are some pictures and a video that I took when Hurricane Katia was about 300 miles of our coast. It was breaking in about 40 feet of water. If you look in the distance you can see some of the big sets rolling in and breaking. It's a good thing we didn't have 80 knots of wind on this swell cause it would have been ugly. It was washing over on the Hatteras beach stretch in three places as well as washing over in Rodanthe where they were trying to fill the small breach as they call it. Keep checking in. We hope to be up and running charters by the second week in October when we hopefully have a road to get here. I will be working for Crowder Gulf  ( ) the next few weeks as a supervisor for the cleanup and Peter will be working with another crew doing the same.  These are the same that were here after Isabel in Hatteras doing the work.Fishing will come when the cleanup is done and there is alot of that to be done. Stay in touch with me and lets do some fishing this fall. Take Care.

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