Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Road should be open soon

The long awaited highway to and from the island will be finished within the next week we hope. They are saying the 10th of Oct. Hopefully they will start letting people back on here around the 15th. They will need a few days just to get supplies in to the stores and lumber and building supplies to the lumber yards and homes of the people who are needing them to rebuild. I myself am waiting on 30 squares of shingles to redo my roof. Kind of hard to get them here on the ferry.
     I was planning on bringing the boat back to the island on Monday but my father in law had a bad accident on his boat Saturday and had to be air lifted off the island to Greenville so my plans got changed. I may go the beginning of next week and get her so we can be ready to go when the road opens. I have plenty of available days through the end of the year. The fishing has been good for the few charters that have been run. Everyone here sure could use the business.
    I'll make another post in a few days to update everyone on the status of the road and being able to get here. Hope to hear from some of you out there in the real world.

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