Saturday, May 26, 2012

One Man Fishing Machine rides again

Lundy and Dita with a nice Bull Dolphin

A Younger Gaffer
We had Lundy again the last day we fished. This gentleman comes and fishes with us by himself. Every once in a while he will bring another person along with him but it's usually just him. We were supposed to fish on Wednesday but awoke to thunderstorms all around and in the ocean. We waited for some time and finally decided we would go Thursday instead of waiting it out and leaving three hours late and having a short day. Thursday was a much nicer day with no lightning around us. The fishing was a little scrappy but we managed to catch a dozen or so gaffers for the day and had some beautiful weather. There was a Blue Marlin bite going on but we didn't go out there to look around. Yesterday (Friday) there were 13 Blue Marlins caught out of our fleet here in Hatteras. Hope they are still there on Monday. The weather has us shut down for the weekend thanks to yet another early tropical system. The ocean is big and rough today and will likely continue into tomorrow before subsiding in the evening hopefully. Have a Safe and Fun Memorial Day weekend and don't forget those who gave you your freedom to be able to do the things you love to do. Lundy is a vet. He put in 20 years of Service for his country.

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