Monday, May 14, 2012

Stapleton Family May 11th Trip.

The days Catch

Derek with a nice Dolphin

Another nice Dolphin

We had another great day on the Gaffer Dolphin Friday with the Stapletons from Kalamazoo, Michigan. The day started out beautiful with hardly a breath of wind. Just before we started fishing a cloud line shoved down the beach with 20 knots of NE wind with it and the wind stayed all day. It was pretty choppy for the day and a couple of the younger boys weren't feeling well so we didn't venture to far off the beaten path for the day. The grass was scattered to hell and back with some streaks that you could fish every once in a while. We had a good amount of bites but pulled off several fish. All in all at the end of the day we wound up with a nice catch of Gaffers. Jacob caught himself a nice one on a dink rod that took a little while but it was a nice fish. Thanks for the day guys. Hope to see you all again next year.


  1. Thanks, we had a great time, even though we did give offerings in the ocean! Still had fun. My 28 pounder was awesome.
    Thanks Jacob

    1. Enjoyed fishing With you and your family. The weather was a little choppy that day but you still did great. Hope to see all of you again next year.
