Saturday, July 7, 2012

Andy Terry day 3

One of Andy's gaffers

The fish she wasn't going to catch

Gaffer getting ready to be stuck

The cute couple with their catch
Today was Andy's last day with us. It has been a choppy three days but they hung tough. The fishing was a little scrappy again today but once again we managed to catch a few. He had his girlfriend Joy along  with us today. She drove through the night to get here and arrived at 5:30 this morning just in time to go fishing. She didn't want to catch any fish but we made her catch a couple anyway. She had a bailer on that a Blue Marlin came in there and ate right at the boat and took off with him. We ended up breaking the light leader on the fish. We had a couple of shots at a sailfish this afternoon but didn't get lucky enough to get him hooked in the rough conditions. We also had a Blackfin tuna as well. Thanks for the week Andy it's been great. Maybe we'll see you this winter for some tuna fishing.

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