Monday, August 20, 2012

The Deasey Crew 8-17-12

Frank, Anita and crew with a dockfull
Today we had Frank, his sister Anita and some other family and friends along. What a great day they had today with lots of Black Fin Tunas and big Spanish Mackerel to top the day off.  They had to run back inshore in the middle of the day because one of the crowd had an important call to make. They were so close by the time they got service they decided to go on into the hook and try for some Spanish Mackerel. That was a good move because they were biting good and were very nice in size. They are fishing with us again on Sunday and want to spend the day looking for a bill fish so we'll see what happens cause you never know around here. Hopefully it will be a banner day. Thanks guys.

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