Friday, September 28, 2012

September Bills

Dida's smiling!

Davids first Blue Marlin

Around 275 pounds or so

Turning him loose!

Steve, Mona, Charlie and David with their flags!
We started the day out in the deep looking for some grass or a condition that would hold some dolphin but were not very successful. We did catch a dolphin right after setting out but that was the only one of the day. After that it was pretty much all bill fish, mostly Sails with a couple of Blue Marlin in there. I guess we may have had 15 bites or so and may have seen 4 or 5 more that didn't want to eat and would just follow us. We caught a Blue Marlin that put on one hell of a show plus three Sailfish and had 3 or 4 more hooked and almost caught before coming off. This crowd has been fishing with me a long time and these are the first bills we have caught with them. We've had them on but never caught one. It was a beautiful calm cool day and looks the same for tomorrow. I hope they bite.

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