Saturday, October 6, 2012

Friday Oct. 5th

The Gang!
We had some old customers along with us today. I was hoping to catch them a box full of fish but the fish gods weren't smiling down on us today. We missed a sail fish on the first bite of the day and then had a Wahoo sky on a flat line and cut us off. We trolled on offshore from there and found a little scattered grass and worked around in it. I went by a small patch and got a bite. When I went back there were a few dolphin under it and we caught 7 and were glad to have them. I went by a board a little later and hooked a couple of which we caught one. I pulled back by the board and never saw another dolphin but we had a big bite as we were getting away from it that ended up being a Blue Marlin. He was about a 300 lb. fish and we had him on one of the smallest rods we had out. It took us an hour and 20 minutes to catch him but that's pretty good considering the tackle and the size of the fish. It was alot of chasing him around to catch him but we did it. It was a good day all in all. Thanks guys.

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