Thursday, November 1, 2012

We are still here

Hey Folks We are still here and all doing OK. There was no internet or phone service for a couple of days and cell service was spotty at best. We had a lot of tide for a couple of days from the sound as well as ocean overwash up on the northern end. The roads are closed until before Thanksgiving when hopefully they will be cleaned off and the torn up places repaired. I don't believe I have ever seen as much sand on the roads as we got with this storm. The bridges all survived and are safe for travel. The Oregon Inlet bridge is closed due to the road being closed as well as NCDOT using it to get all of the equipment on the island to clear HWY 12. There is a ferry running from Stumpy Point to Rodanthe that you can travel on to get here. You may have to sit and wait for a good while once you get there so if you plan on coming make sure you bring some snacks and drinks as well as a book or something to do. It takes about two hours to cross after boarding.
    We are going to be back to fishing here soon and if you are interested just give us a call. remember if you are coming on the island to fish for a day and leave that you will need to plan extra travel time into your schedule to allow for the ferry and the wait that you may have. I will post a schedule below.
   The boat came through the storm alright. We have some minor toe rail damage from the boat getting on a piland when the wind shifted but other than that I think we are ok. Nothing some epoxy, awl grip and time won't fix. The cottage is fine if you want to come and plan a stay with us and do some fishing. I hope all of my friends up the coast are fairing well. I know that this was a big blow for you guys and I hope you get cleaned up and put back together quickly. We've been there and done that and there is nothing fun or easy about it at all. If we can help in some way give us a call.

Here is the Ferry Schedule for Stumpy Point to Rodanthe

■Departing Stumpy Point at 6 a.m., 8, 10, noon, 2 p.m., 4 and 10; and
■Departing Rodanthe at 7 a.m., 9, 11, 1 p.m., 3, 5 and 7.
Hatteras-Ocracoke Schedule –

Locals and essential Personnel will have priority as well as delivery trucks and the like.

Tied up and taped shut

Looking from my side porch in downtown Hatteras. This is sound tide flooding

Coming into Buxton. This is ocean water

Mirlo beach house going into the ocean

Looking south going into Buxton

One of my buddies home surrounded by water. It got a couple feet higher than this

The Frisco Pier

At The end of my street

Looking out the top floor of Rocco's restaurant in Hatteras

The beach stretch heading north out of Hatteras Village

The Hatterasman Drive Inn

House going down

Soundside in Buxton

My son with a Mullet he caught in our driveway bare handed

The kids going exploring at the beginning of the storm. Tide was just coming in. It stayed for over 48 hours.

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