Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve Fishing Trip

Shawn and Krista had us booked today and bought along a few friends. 5 Redskin fans and one Dallas fan so I'm not real sure how they all got along for the day without throwing him over. The weather this morning was beautiful but cold with a slight swell on the ocean. We started out fishing some of our favorite spots with no luck and then slid offshore a bit to some deeper water. The Gannets attacked us and ate almost every bait in the spread but two and a pair of yellow fins ate those. We got lucky and caught them. The Gannets got so bad we had to put out some spreader bars and artificials because we couldn't keep a ballyhoo in the water more than 2 minutes before another Gannet would come and attack it, I've never seen them so hungry. we caught some albacore throughout the day as well as about ten gannets or more so we had plenty of action. 
Last Sunrise of 2012

Shawn with the last Yellow Fin on the native Son for 2012

Krista with her first Yellow Fin
Thanks for the day the guys. Look forward to seeing you again soon.

Monday, December 24, 2012


A little Christmas Spirit.

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Native Son. We hope you have a safe and happy holiday season with your family and friends. Hopefully we'll have a fishing report for you on Friday afternoon if the weather will let us fish. Be safe everyone and Thank You All for keeping us around for another year.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Dec 15th fishing

Looking out to the ocean from the channel


Matt, Stan and Guy with a few black fins from the day
Today we had Matt Miller and and a couple of his friends Guy and Guys father Stan who drove all the way from western Nebraska for this fishing trip. I said man you're in the middle of nowhere aren't you and he said nope but I can stand on my back porch and see it. 1800 miles to catch a fish. I sure am glad we had a nice weather day and caught a few tunas for them. We had great weather for the day and the fishing was OK but not great. We wound up with a catch of black fins and a dolphin. We pulled the hooks on a few more and lost a nice yellow fin right there at the end of the day. Sure wish he would have stayed on. Thanks for the day guys. Matt I'll see you on June 24th. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Dec 7th and 8th Fishing

Fish On
Here's Looking at ya
I swear he was this big!
December Mahi
Cruising down the channel on the way home!
This weekend we had Roger and Cheryl Flury, John Mentzer and a couple of their friends along. The targeted species were tunas of any kind. Friday was rather choppy despite the weather forecast for good weather and the fishing was so so. We caught a few nice Black fin tunas that day and got ruined by the big wahoos one time. Fishing fluorocarbon wind on leaders for tuna and having wahoos jump all over you just isn't in your favor. All in all we made it through the day with a few fish.

    Saturday morning started out with fog. We made our way down the channel in the fog and made it through the narrow spots ok. We got to the bar and it was breaking all the way across with a hard ebb tide and big swell. I could see the boat ahead of me on the outside of the bar and saw a lull in the sets, went for it and made it across safely. Once I got across I wasn't going back across until I could see better and the tide switched. The two of us stuck together and eased on offshore, it was kind of like an amusement park ride that morning with the swell and fog. About 20 miles out the fog cleared as we entered the hot water and the swell layed out with the current. We started out catching a few black fin and false albacore right off the bat then it slowed right down. During the afternoon the tunas came up top chasing bait and showing very well but no one could get them to bite. It's just that way some times and it's frustrating but there's not a thing you can do about it but watch them. It was a good show for a bit if nothing else. They are here at least. Thanks for the weekend guys and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas with your families. See you in the summer.