Monday, April 15, 2013

Yellowfins are showing up

Steve, Terry, Andrew and Brandon with their catch

Steve with his Yellowfin
Brandons Snowy Grouper

The yellowfins have made a showing the last couple of days and they are a nice class of fish. I'd say they are averaging close to 40 lbs a piece. Yesterday we had Andrew and Terry Fink and their friends Steve and Brandon along. We went looking for the tunas first thing in the morning and we caught a nice wahoo while we were setting out. The guys had asked about trying for a grouper so we fished to near a spot and made a drop, luckily we had a bite and caught a 40 lb. Snowy for the guys. We went back to tuna fishing and ended up catching 4 for the day and loosing 4 others, it just goes that way sometimes. It was a pretty day on the water and we were glad to be there.

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