Monday, May 13, 2013

The Mass. Boys yearly trip

Finally a pretty morning

Some nice yellowfin, blackfin, dolphin and wahoo

A nice catch of dolphin

Skip and Jr with Skips Yellowfin

Skips citation Wahoo

This week we had Bob, Dave, Skip, Tom and Jerry in town for 5 days of fishing. Luckily we were finally able to get three days in after the first three days we got weathered out. This is the 14th or 15th  year this crew has been fishing with me the week before Mothers day and most years we get our days in and occasionally we may only get in one or two. We had some good fishing over the three days catching some nice tunas, dolphins and Skips citation Wahoo. We spent Thursday looking for a Marlin and trying some spots for a grouper bite but were unsuccessful in both. We did catch a few dolphin and a few blackfin tunas that morning though. I'll be looking forward to next year and hopefully being able to take them again. Thanks for the days guys I always look forward to it and your company.

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