Monday, August 16, 2010

Dolphins and Wahoo

We had a struggle with the dolphins today. I just knew I was in the meat when I found a 8 foot long piland floating in the water first thing this morning. We caught one fish around it and that was that. I fished the change for another hour with no luck and decided to go on off deeper and look for a wahoo or some blackfin tuna around the rocks. That plan didn't work either so back to the change I went where I stayed for the rest of the day. We probably found 5 schools of dolphin where you would catch 4 or 5 out of and a scattered single in between. We finally got a group that acted right and finished up with our limit there. We trolled off of the change for awhile and lost a wahoo and caught one and had a couple of more bites before going home. Another Beautiful day on the water. Thanks Butch and gang. Looking forward to doing it again.

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