Monday, August 23, 2010

Lundy on Monday

We had our buddy Lundy, who always fishes on a Monday, from Dumfries , Va. and a couple of his buddies aboard today. We struck out this morning to go and look for wahoo's but I was not very successful in the hunt. We found a log that was loaded with dolphin and caught our limit off of it. We put down the wire line and immediately caught a wahoo and never had a bite in several more passes. We had rain squalls around until early this afternoon so it was a little hard to fish the changes and stay out of the grass. Some boats fishing a few miles above us caught fair catches of wahoo this afternoon with one oat having 8 but we were just to far away. I guess I zigged when I should have zagged. We also caught a sailfish today. He was a pretty little rascal, one of the smallest we have caught in a right good time. There is some great fishing going on right now guys so come on down and lets go wet a hook.

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