Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dolphins and sails July 18th 2011

Kristina, Matt ,Carl and a young friend with their catch

Sunrise making the turn at the inlet

Kristina and her gaffer

Kristina and her Sail Fish
We just had three people on board today. Matt , his father Carl and Kristina. They wanted to start the day out looking for some dolphin and then put in some time for a sailfish. Luckily for us we found a school of dolphin early on and caught what we needed out of it. They were nice fat bailers too. We trolled around the grass for a few minutes more and caught a couple nicer fish then went to the shallows where some sails had been seen and caught. We saw one fish and he bit but very lazily and never got hooked. A little while later the right flat goes off and we have a nice sail on, during the fight we had another sail , a very small one, swim in behind the shortrigger but did not eat. Matt caught his fish and we went back to it. We found a ball of bait a couple hours later and started to marl some on the machine. We had a double come in the spread and I hooked one from the bridge while trying to crank anther fish in closer to get him a smaller bait. Kristina caught this one. I love it when a plan comes together. Pretty day, good fishing, what more can you ask for.

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