Thursday, July 28, 2011

Two half day trips today

We ran two half day inshore trips for spanish mackerals and blues today. Our morning trip was a group of canadians that decided they would like to try their hand at some fishing. They had never been before and did a great job. We caught 50 or so spanish and probably 25 bluefish during our morning trip. 
    This afternoon we had a family trip. Dad, mom, two sons and a daughter. The inlet was a little snotty where the tide was running out so hard. We got into the ocean and started catching a few mackeral. About the time I felt like we had gotten to where we were going to get a continuous bite we had a bout of sea sickness got through the crowd. Dad figured it best to bring them home and away we went. We did manage to catch 20 Spanish before we had to come home so it was a great trip. They just wanted enough for supper so they got that and a little bit more. Sounded like offshore fishing was pretty decent today with some good catches of dolphin and a good number of wahoo starting to show up.  We've got some open days so give us a call and lets do some fishing.

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