Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 30th Sails and Dolphins

Brian, Jackie, Randy and Larry
On the Leader

Randys sail

Back at the dock with a happy crew
Another Sail getting ready to be released,  Nice T-shirt isn't it?
Today was a different day and it was beautiful on the water. I saw a big place of bait on top on the way out and stopped around it. We circled it a couple times and had a couple dolphin bites. A school followed them up and we went to bailing them. While we were catching the dolphin a boat offshore of me had caught and released 4 sailfish. I was chomping at the bit to get going. We caught 25 dolphin before they quit biting for us. We got out our sailfish spread and went to fishing. We caught one out of a double, missed a couple, caught a double and caught a single all by 10:00 this morning. We had a couple of wahoo bites but they won the battle. One of the ladies onboard was not feeling well at all and they told me to take them home. I didn't want to leave with the bite going on but that's the way it goes. A really fun day and with a great group of people.  Thanks Randy and everyone else. Look forward to seeing you again. Check out this link for the 1080 video of the one above.

July 29th zigging when I should have zagged

We had a make up charter on board today, the first of the year for us. Really nice group of folks. The fishing was spotty today and bites would happen here and there. My problem was that when I was here I should have been there. We caught a decent catch of dolphin today and had a couple wahoo bites and a couple sailfish bites but no luck in hooking them. That's the way it goes some days. Tomorrow is another day and we'll try it again and see how it goes.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Two half day trips today

We ran two half day inshore trips for spanish mackerals and blues today. Our morning trip was a group of canadians that decided they would like to try their hand at some fishing. They had never been before and did a great job. We caught 50 or so spanish and probably 25 bluefish during our morning trip. 
    This afternoon we had a family trip. Dad, mom, two sons and a daughter. The inlet was a little snotty where the tide was running out so hard. We got into the ocean and started catching a few mackeral. About the time I felt like we had gotten to where we were going to get a continuous bite we had a bout of sea sickness got through the crowd. Dad figured it best to bring them home and away we went. We did manage to catch 20 Spanish before we had to come home so it was a great trip. They just wanted enough for supper so they got that and a little bit more. Sounded like offshore fishing was pretty decent today with some good catches of dolphin and a good number of wahoo starting to show up.  We've got some open days so give us a call and lets do some fishing.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dolphins and sails July 18th 2011

Kristina, Matt ,Carl and a young friend with their catch

Sunrise making the turn at the inlet

Kristina and her gaffer

Kristina and her Sail Fish
We just had three people on board today. Matt , his father Carl and Kristina. They wanted to start the day out looking for some dolphin and then put in some time for a sailfish. Luckily for us we found a school of dolphin early on and caught what we needed out of it. They were nice fat bailers too. We trolled around the grass for a few minutes more and caught a couple nicer fish then went to the shallows where some sails had been seen and caught. We saw one fish and he bit but very lazily and never got hooked. A little while later the right flat goes off and we have a nice sail on, during the fight we had another sail , a very small one, swim in behind the shortrigger but did not eat. Matt caught his fish and we went back to it. We found a ball of bait a couple hours later and started to marl some on the machine. We had a double come in the spread and I hooked one from the bridge while trying to crank anther fish in closer to get him a smaller bait. Kristina caught this one. I love it when a plan comes together. Pretty day, good fishing, what more can you ask for.

Frog Level VFD fishing trip July 16th 2011

Morning Sunrise

The crew with some of their dolphin

Back at the dock. About 35 bailers for the day
Joe Dowdy and some of his fellow fire fighters had us booked for today. They are all volunteer firemen and all work for the city if Spotsylvania, Va. The grass was really scattered today into streak after streak. The SE we had blows across the current so nothing will line up. We found a nice school of dolphin in the morning that didn't act right and caught a few. We scrapped along for the rest of the day catching one here and one there then found a float at the end of the day and caught 7 or 8 around it. The weather got nice in the afternoon and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Hopefully they'll be back to see us.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 13th -- Tony and Linda Logan charter

Tony and Linda with their catch

Tony's White Marlin on the leader

Tony's White Marlin swimming away after the release
We had the pleasure of having Tony and Linda along with us today. The day started out a little choppy with a really confused sea but it was almost slick calm in the afternoon and it was flat out HOT and I mean HOT. I couldn't wait to get off that bridge and into the AC. We had a nice catch of Dolphin and Tony caught a White Marlin in the afternoon. We had a Blue Marlin chase the flat line and crash it in the morning but he missed the bait and never came back. That was exciting because he showed hisself really well, if you ever see it you'll understand how awesome a sight it is. It was a very enjoyable day with a couple very nice people. You guys are welcome back anytime.

July 11th -- The Yeager family

Look at that Sunrise and that ocean. Don't you wish you were here?

The Yeagers
Evan with his Amberjack

And with what's left of one after a Barracuda got him
Joe, Anne, Evan and Leslie Yeager fished with us today. What an absolutely gorgeous day it was. The ocean was flat and it wasn't too hot and the fishing was good. We went to look for dolphin first and found a nice school after a little bit of trudging around in the grass. They didn't want to catch a limit so we caught about 30 and quit. No need  to kill them if you aren't going to eat them. We spent the rest of the day looking for something different. We caught some Amberjacks around a wreck, a big false albacore on a light rod and had a bite out of a sailfish that we didn't get hooked. We stopped around an inshore wreck on the way home and let them see all of the barracudas swimming over top of it. I think we counted atleast 15 there. Everyone had a good time, even Leslie who was worried about being on the boat in the morning but soon got over it and enjoyed herself. Enjoyed having you along and hope to see you again.

July 10th -- Timmy and cindy Jennette family and friends

The Motley Crew
Timmy and Cindy are locals and Timmy and I were in school together. Cindy's brother just retired and wanted to go fishing so he booked me for the day. They also brought along Doug Dorris, another local and Daniel ,Joe and another that I can't remember his name for the life of me. The fishing started out a little slow as the grass was scattered to heck and back from the wind the previous two days. We caught a few dolphin and a nice gaffer during the morning in the scattered grass but gave it up for a bit for a break from picking all the grass constantly off our baits. We went back to the grass in the afternoon and it had gotten together where we could fish it. A big school of dolphin found us and we caught most of  of a limit of really nice bailers out of it. When we were picking up our lines to go home we had a sailfish come in the spread and hooked him. He put on a great show and then we released him. I'll put up some better pictures if Timmy ever sends them to me. Come on Timmy get with it. Had a fun day guys. Lets do it again soon.

July 9th -- Day Two Hatteras Grand Slam

We awoke to no thunder and lightning this morning but we had alot of wind during the night. They upped the wind forecast for today so we decided once again not to go. We've got next year to fish it so it's not the end of the world. I still got to spend the weekend with some of my best friends just not fishing. Looks like tomorrow should be nice so hopefully I will get my charter in. Have a good day.

July 8th -- Hatteras Grand Slam Tournament Day 1

We were supposed to be fishing the Grand Slam Tournament today but due to the weather report for today we held our money out until this morning to see what the weather was really going to be like. Lightning, Thunder, rain and wind is what we awoke to. We decided we were not going and would look at the weather in the morning and if fishable will put our money in and go tomorrow and if not then my party is not a few grand out of pocket. 6 Boats fished today and they can have it. I watched some of them leave in the lightning and rain and was glad I was where I was. Guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. 

July 7th -- Rob Graff party

Gaffers and nice Bailers = lots of Good Eating
We had Rob Graff and crew aboard today. The weather was great and the fishing was good to go along with it. We caught some nice gaffers and finished off our limit with a nice catch of bailers. Esther was the best fisherman (fisherperson) of them all once she got the hang of bailing those dolphins. Thanks for the day guys. Hope to see you next year.

July 6th -- Danette Meredith Fishing trip

Fish for dinner and a pretty day on the water
We had Danette and Some of her family along today for some fishing. It was rather scrappy today but we still wound up with a few bailers and a nice gaffer. The porpoise found us in the afternoon and stayed with us for 10 minutes or so and put on a great show for us. The weather was great we caught some fish and they got to see some neat things. Great day all in all.

Monday, July 4, 2011

"God bless America. Land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her, Through the night with the light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the ocean, white with foam. God bless America! My home, sweet home, God bless America! My home, sweet home."

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2, 2011 Afternoon Kids trip

The gang and some of the catch

My daughter  Bailey with a Spanish

Double Header

Delaney with a nice Spanish

Chris and Dylan with a double

Flying Spanish

Surfers and paddle boarders at the pier
The fishing was so good this morning I called home and asked my wife to get the kids going and I would take them fishing for a couple of hours. They invited some friends who are pretty much family for the trip. We left about 11:20  and ran up the beach after we got out of the inlet to where we were this morning. The conditions had changed and we had to go up by the pier to get in the water where the fish were. We caught 35 or so in a couple hours of fishing and came on home. They can't wait to have it for dinner tonight and I can't either. It's gonna be some good eating. Come and see us if you're interested in doing a half-day inshore charter or if you have kids and want to do something fun with them. Spanish fishing is a blast. You guys have a Happy and Safe Fourth.

July 2 , 2011

Sunrise over the Island

Wind in the squall

Brian with a Spanish

Amy with one of her Spanish

Counting to see how many we had. 20 more to go
We had a half-day charter this morning. Brian and Amy a couple form California went with us. Brian is in the Army special forces and is in fort Bragg for some training. Amy is a kindergarten teacher. That's a good thing having to deal with Pete and I because she's used to children. We had a beautiful day other than a 20 minute squall with wind and rain. The fishing was spectacular especially when it was raining and blowing 35. We caught our limit plus a few more that we let go. Thanks for coming with us it was good to fish with you. Thanks also for your service to our country.

Friday, July 1, 2011

West Virginia Boys

The guys

Fresh Dolphin sandwich

Gaffer getting ready to be surprised
Today we had Dave Andersen and friends from  around Charleston , WV onboard. It was a rather pretty day after the wind from the morning squalls subsided. It blew long enough and hard enough to scatter the grass and blow the change apart. Luckily we got on it long enough before hand to catch a few fish, nice bailers with a few gaffers mixed in. We had a couple of wahoo bites in the afternoon but didn't hang onto any of them. They were sneaky as usual. Thanks for a great day guys. Hope to see you again.