Monday, May 28, 2012

Three Generations of Marshalls

The results

Nice gaffer for Logan

Kenny between naps with a nice dolphin

Wayne with one of his big Gaffers. He had the touch for the big ones today.

My boy Dylan with his first gaffer of the day

The Marshall's Granddad, Grandson and Son
We had three generations of Marshall's on board today plus my son who they asked to ride along. We have all been friends for many years and I was looking forward to today. It started out a little slow this morning but we got them located later and had pretty steady action for most of the late morning and afternoon. Wayne, Logan and Dylan caught most of the fish this afternoon because Kenny was getting his beauty rest. The fish were a nice class of fish today and pretty aggressive when they were eating. we had several come jumping through the spread after the teaser this afternoon which was neat for the kids to get to see. Thanks for the day guys. I thoroughly enjoyed it and thanks for bringing Dylan along he had a blast too. Hope to do it again soon.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

One Man Fishing Machine rides again

Lundy and Dita with a nice Bull Dolphin

A Younger Gaffer
We had Lundy again the last day we fished. This gentleman comes and fishes with us by himself. Every once in a while he will bring another person along with him but it's usually just him. We were supposed to fish on Wednesday but awoke to thunderstorms all around and in the ocean. We waited for some time and finally decided we would go Thursday instead of waiting it out and leaving three hours late and having a short day. Thursday was a much nicer day with no lightning around us. The fishing was a little scrappy but we managed to catch a dozen or so gaffers for the day and had some beautiful weather. There was a Blue Marlin bite going on but we didn't go out there to look around. Yesterday (Friday) there were 13 Blue Marlins caught out of our fleet here in Hatteras. Hope they are still there on Monday. The weather has us shut down for the weekend thanks to yet another early tropical system. The ocean is big and rough today and will likely continue into tomorrow before subsiding in the evening hopefully. Have a Safe and Fun Memorial Day weekend and don't forget those who gave you your freedom to be able to do the things you love to do. Lundy is a vet. He put in 20 years of Service for his country.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thompson Party May 21st

The Guys

Doc and a nice Gaffer

Mark (the groom) with a nice gaffer he caught
Today we had a crowd from all over that are here for a wedding later this week. We had the groom aboard along with his soon to be father in law. They both came back on the same boat so that's a good sign. We had another good day of gaffer dolphin fishing. It started out with a little flurry for us in the morning and then we picked at them for the rest of the morning. We had a little change in the weather and they just quit biting for the afternoon. It happens every once in a while. The weather was beautiful other than a scattered shower or two around. Looks like a beautiful week and we have some open days. I just got cancelled for Saturday last night so if you're looking give me a call.  Congratulations Mark and Misha. I hope you have many great years together.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Gaffer Dophin fishing remains Excellent

Well the fishing for the Gaffers had been great the last few weeks. The last few days it may have gotten even better than it was. A few Black fin tuna and wahoo are still here mixed in with the Dolphin.There are also a few Marlins around as well. We haven't had a trip since last Friday and it appears we will get blown out this weekend with this low pressure that is coming up the coast. I have plenty of available dates. If you're ready to come and catch some fish give me a call or shoot me an email. It's some of the best spring fishing we've had in a long time and it sounds like they are catching them way down the coast just as good so that should mean many more to come.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Stapleton Family May 11th Trip.

The days Catch

Derek with a nice Dolphin

Another nice Dolphin

We had another great day on the Gaffer Dolphin Friday with the Stapletons from Kalamazoo, Michigan. The day started out beautiful with hardly a breath of wind. Just before we started fishing a cloud line shoved down the beach with 20 knots of NE wind with it and the wind stayed all day. It was pretty choppy for the day and a couple of the younger boys weren't feeling well so we didn't venture to far off the beaten path for the day. The grass was scattered to hell and back with some streaks that you could fish every once in a while. We had a good amount of bites but pulled off several fish. All in all at the end of the day we wound up with a nice catch of Gaffers. Jacob caught himself a nice one on a dink rod that took a little while but it was a nice fish. Thanks for the day guys. Hope to see you all again next year.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Great Gaffer Dolpin fishing continues

The great Dolphin fishing we have been having is continuing on. There are still a few wahoos and tunas mixed in with them as well. Some marlins have started to show a little better up and down the line as well. My charter for Sunday backed out on me so that leaves me open for Saturday and Sunday this weekend and the weather looks absolutely beautiful. Give me a call and lets go do some fishing. I'll post a report and hopefully some good pictures tomorrow evening after we get in from fishing.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Last day for the Boys from Mass. day 5

I told them the pockets went on the back and they believed me.

Jerry's Citation Dolphin

Another nice one for Skip

Jerry's 35 pound citation. I think he was a little bigger.

The Boys from Mass. 
What a great week we have had. Beautiful weather except for the one day and good fishing every day. We spent the beginning of the week chasing Black Fin tuna up on the rocks and catching a few gaffers mixed in along with a 500 lb. Blue Marlin the first day. We did that for three days and decided to concentrate more on the dolphin yesterday which we got lucky and it worked out for us. We had 35 gaffers 3 wahoo a yellow fin and a black fin tuna yesterday. The boys told me they had enough meat and we could do what ever today so I spent the day in the deep looking for a marlin. There were a few seen but nothing like yesterday. We caught a few gaffers during the day and Jerry caught one that was a citation, 35 lbs. Way to go Jerry. He catches all the big dolphin. This crowd has fished with me for this week every year for the last 12 to 14 years, I can't remember exactly. We have had our share of bad weather and bad fishing but we always manage to do something and have some fun. Thanks for the Awesome week guys. Can't wait until next year. Have a safe trip home.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gaffers, Wahoos and Tunas

Gaffers, Wahoos and Tunas
Bob with his yellowfin
Dave and Skip with their pair of wahoo
Jerry with another nice dolphiin
Dave's Blue Marlin from Sunday. Best picture we had of it.
What a great day of fishing it was for us today. The weather was beautiful and the fishing was awesome. We found a grass edge this morning with some patches in it but had no bites around it. We moved on offshore and found another edge that had some warmer water and was formed up a bit better. We spent most of our day here catching a gaffer here and there and we caught nine at once early this morning.  We had two Yellowfins on and caught the one and pulled the other off after a long fight. Not long after that we hooked two of our Wahoos and caught them. The afternoon was a dolphin here and there and another Wahoo to end the day. This is this crowds fourth day with us this week and we have a ball. One more day left tomorrow. May go looking for a marlin in the morning. Check in and see how it works out.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hughes party day 3

Day 3 catch

Bob, Skip and Jerry with some nice gaffers

Dave's Squarehead

Bobs Bull Dolphin

Nice one Jerry
We had a pretty ride out this morning but it didn't stay that way for long at all. The wind breezed up to a solid 20 or a little better and it got rather choppy. We wound up fishing back where we had the previous two days and caught a few Black fin tuna and some dolphin around the area. I finally had to start fishing down the beach into the wind to try and get a better ride home. We caught 4 or 5 more dolphin on the way down and missed a wahoo on a couple of baits. We'll be back at it again in the morning. Hoping for another good day with the crew.